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Connecting Buyers with Professional Quality Specialists and Product Inspectors Worldwide

Marble Surface
Our Values

The Best Solution for your Quality Assurance

  • Direct Communcation

  • Transparency

  • Cost Effective

Marble Surface
Our Vision

To provide peace of mind to our customers by ensuring that every product leaving the factory meets our customers quality specifications, production capacity, and shipping deadlines.

Marble Surface

An intelligent platform to connect clients with quality-control professionals around the world.

Who are we

How it works

Simple and Reliable

Simply book an inspection service online and our intelligent platform will make the entire process for you. Ensure the quality standards of your supply chain are qualified through cooperation with our Quality Inspectors.


  1. Register or login your account

  2. Complete your booking information

  3. Receive the report for your final decision


Note that our Quality Specialists go through a rigorous screening process to ensure that only the best inspectors are dispatched.  You, along with our other clients, will rate the services of the individual inspector to further ensure only the best are retained.

How it works

Our Service


 1. Factory Assessment

Our Quality Specialist will physically visit the factory and meet with the manufacturing team to evaluate the supplier in the following areas: 

  • Legal Qualification 

  • Production and Quality Control Facilities

  • Production Capacity

  • Quality Control Process

2. ​Product Inspection

The Quality Specialist will ensure that the product that you are looking to acquire is manufactured by the factory and compliance with your specifications and requirements, the inspection process primarily focuses on:


  • Visual/ Appearance  Check

  • Functional Check

  • Disassemmbly and Construction Check

  • Packaging Check


Request demo
Learn More

To learn more about our service, please fill in your contact details


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Tel: +1 (778) 968 0945

400 – 1168 Hamilton St

Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 2S2

© 2020 by PQBuddy Service

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